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Xpan Processing Lab


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and printing?


If you just need processing then any pro shop should be able to help you out, just ask for negs to be uncut.......


Of course if you need printing then the place in London, England that I've used won't be much help :)

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Any lab can process the film as long as you tell them NOT to cut the

film and leave it in a strip. The X-pan comes with little stickers to help

identify X-Pan film from regular 35mm rolls in case you are shooting

with more than one 35mm camera. Most decent labs can also print the

negs if you wish, it's just usually a custom job and cost a little more.


Me, I just get the film developed and scan my X-Pans...at first on a flat

bed Epson 1640SU with the film attachment (pretty good results) and

now on a Polaroid SprintScan 120 after they introduced a film holder and

firmware that accomidates the X-Pan films strips and format.

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