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I want to know which current - or at least last ten years - 35 and 50

M lenses have the traditional Leica "bokeh".

Sorry for this subject, I know that the first two letters of bokeh

mean "boring" and there are tons of answers in archive!

Happy Holidays to all

- Dave

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Your question is a little like asking people their favorite color. People's reaction to bokeh is highly subjective and idiosyncratic. Moreover, I think that the quality of bokeh varies with different scenes, films, lighting, f stop, exposure, etc., so the question is even more difficult.


Various forum members could�and probably will�respond to your query by naming a number of different lenses, but ultimately you will need to look at photographs and decide for yourself which set of variables is most pleasing to your eye and presents the photographic look that you are seeking in your work. I find that I use and like several lenses from several lens makers and would be hard pressed to pick one as �the best.�




Joe Stephenson

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"Traditional Leica bokeh" of what era? The Summar bokeh era? Summitar? Early, mid or late pre-aspheric Summicron? As lens design, coatings, glass have changed over the years ALL manufacturers lenses have evolved. I'm not going to argue that the guys in Wetzlar didn't have a unique vision of what a lens should do, especially compared to the Japanese, and what they produced did have smooth bokeh! But that's painting with a broad brush, and some lens designs have much better bokeh at certain apertures than others. In my opinion "traditional Leica bokeh" of the 7 element 50mm and 8 element 35mm Summicrons was the peak. Since then we've gotten less elements, multi coating, improved contrast, better corner sharpness, less flare, and probably more economical manufacturing processes. I think the best combination of sharpness, tonality and unique Leitz/Leica bokeh is probably the second generation of those focal lengths, used at mid apetures.
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