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D300 or 300s

Rick Helmke

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<p>Evening all,<br>

I've about decided to add one more digital body to the camera bag. I had planned on skipping the D300 but it is apparent now that Nikon will not release the D400 until I have purchased a 300. They did the same thing when I bought my first 200, released the 300 about 15 minutes after I got home from the camera store. I know the 300s has dual card slots and shoots video but I don't care about either of those. Are there any other noteworthy differences in the two? I don't want a 7100, too small and AF is not a primary concern. KEH has some pretty decent prices on the 300. I may upgrade to something newer next year but for now it's either a D300 or an RB67. Thanks.<br /><br />Rick H.</p>

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<p>I used the d300 for years and I loved everything about it. It was a war horse in every sense of the word.. I never went for the 300s and that could have been a mistake. It would seem that the 300s was a bit better than the 300 in low light. and there is no question that the dual card feature is more than a little important.</p>

<p>I did to for the 7100 and I have never looked back. It is far superior in low light and the new sensor is wonderful. </p>

<p>The video aspect ahas never been a big deal to me but the few times I have used it I have liked it.</p>

<p>The d7100 is a bit smaller as you have noted but I adjusted very quickly. Bear in mind that I used to use a f3 HP with a drive and an f4.</p>

<p>I fear that the quest for a d400 will bear little if any fruit. I have been waiting for it as well and finally went to the d7100. It has turned out to be much more camera than I expected.</p>


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<p>I use my D 300s with the battery pack, all the time mainly because of it fast frames per second and adequate buffer. The added card slot has saved my life a couple of times. Only you can decide if the D 300s is better than the D 300. See comparisons here:</p>

<p><a href="http://www.bythom.com/nikond300s.htm">http://www.bythom.com/nikond300s.htm</a></p>

<p>Joe Smith</p>

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<p>The so called HD video on the D300S is fairly useless in today's standards. Therefore, the main difference between the two is dual CF and SD card slots on the D300S, plus a few minor improvements such as silent mode, 7 fps instead of 6 fps without any additional battery besides the EN-EL3e. Otherwise, the two are 95% or so the same.</p>

<p>If you can, I would get the D300S for the dual cards and generally a newer camera, hopefully with less "mileage" on it.</p>

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