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<p>IMO, photographic truths are shared, even if they are personal and subjective. Art <em>makes</em> something of this subjectivity, it brings it to the world.</p>

<p>When I see vulnerability in a portrait, it makes no difference to me whether, in fact, the person is considered vulnerable or not among his family or friends. And it makes no difference whether others viewing it describe what they're seeing the same way as me. The truth is that it shows me something in an expressive way and makes me feel something. It is NOT described, not verbalized, but it is—significantly in the case of photography—shown to me. Because I am so affected by the photo, it comes both from without and from within. It is shared to the extent that the photographer's creation (and my own "background" or predispositions) caused this response. It is also shared to the extent that others viewing it, while not necessarily having a similar reaction to mine or not necessarily describing similarly what might in fact be a very similar reaction, are experiencing this cause and effect, this distillation of emotion and thought into a relationship with a thing hanging on the wall which originated with a photographer's snap of the shutter.</p>

<p>IMO, it is not limited to the confines of our subjectivity. Art is out in the world. It is put forth and it is taken in. It exists in the overlapping webs of connection among a variety of consciousnesses and the "things" (artworks) those consciousnesses are focused on.</p>

<p>Vulnerability can look and feel like this, like what I see in the photo. It is distilled for me in this way. That's the truth I'm talking about. It is the same kind of truth as "I feel sad." No one except me can verify that truth. They might say to me, "You don't look sad." But they can never tell me, or at least shouldn't try to, how or what I feel. Yet, when one feels sad, there is no greater truth to them that they are experiencing sadness. That is the kind of truth that great photos have for me. We may not share in the particular emotion or response, but we, as I see it, share in the power.</p>

We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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<p>Even Einstein's exception to F=m.a is a special and extreme case, based on phenomena that are quite removed from the conditions that most humans experience</p>


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I don't know about you, but I come in contact with <em>light</em> every day. In fact, it even plays a role in my <em>photo</em>graphy!</p>

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