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Leica S2


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<p>It depends. There is no fixed ratio. The effective ratio depends on (1) whether you mean H lenses on 645 film or a digital back, and if a digital back, which size sensor; and (2) what print aspect ratio you will use.</p>

<p>Hasselblad has sold devices to capture images from H lenses with as much size as 645 film (typically 56 x 41.5 mm) and as small as the smaller semi-medium format size sensors (44 x 33 mm). The S2 sensor is 30 x 45 mm, which is a different aspect ratio. So if you're printing, say, 24x30 inch prints, and using 645 film on the H, then the crop factor is putting the same lens on an S2 is 1.38x; but if you're printing 24x36 inches and using the H with back containing a 44x33 mm sensor, then going to the S2 gives you a 'crop factor' of 0.98x, i.e., the S2 would actually be using slightly <em>more</em> of the lens's image for the print. Probably most common are backs with sensors of around 49x37 mm, and prints with a 4:5 or so aspect ratio, which would mean 1.23x.</p>

<p>So depending on particulars, the answer could be anywhere between 1.38x and 0.98x.</p>

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