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As Good As It Gets Moments


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<p>I was in Golden Gate Bridge south entrance doing the usual in bringing relatives to the popular scenery in San Francisco bay area. And I have my camera in b&w mode avoiding the common red color seen in photos. It was about 6:30pm right before sunset time.<br /><br />In a back-lit scene I saw a pair of young couple taking beautiful portraits with the guy on top of a concrete slap. My hearts was pounding and raising for the shots of my day<br /><br /><br /> <strong>#1 Introduction To Golden Gate Bridge<br /></strong><br /> <a title="The Golden Gate Bridge Introduction by hin_man, on Flickr" href=" The Golden Gate Bridge Introduction src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5452/10118582996_28c9e6274c_b.jpg" alt="The Golden Gate Bridge Introduction" width="1024" height="669" /></a><br /> <strong>.</strong><br /> <strong>.</strong></p>
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<p>I have made two new good friends and I have picked the best shots shown above and send them over to the couple in email. Life is as good as it can get when we go out and live fully with passion. And in my case, that is with a camera and a friendly chat with my new friends after the shots. <br /><br /> I saw the couple full of energy and hope, vibrant with enthusiasm and courage. I wish I can go back in my youth and hang out with them in the concrete slab where their views are not blocked by others and they move as if there are new heights to reach. The young couple, the back-lit moments, the great scenery have made it a very memorable Saturday for me. The happy and vivid moments linger in my thoughts and I start my week with freshness and inspiration to try something unusual with strangers we meet. I have three email correspondence with the couple and I hope our friendship goes beyond and that I have another chance to meet up with them. Love the couple dearly as friends.</p>
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<p>Yury and Anirban, thank you for your kind words. Here is the picture on the initial scene that gets my attention. I do make my common mistake and bad habit in choosing on b&w and purposely underexpose the shots. I like to pull lighting in editing for some odd reasons that I can't explain it logically well. I like high contrast scene in b&w with more emphasis on the blackness of the shot with added highlight in post processing to bring out the subject and scenery.</p>

<p><strong>Initial Scene</strong><br /> <br /> <a title="DSC06098 by hin_man, on Flickr" href=" Initial Scene src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7333/10172850106_b2636c3075_b.jpg" alt="DSC06098" width="702" height="1024" /></a><br /> <br /><br /><br /> <strong>Re-cropped Closer<br /><br /></strong><a title="DSC06121 by hin_man, on Flickr" href=" DSC06121 src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5344/10172062046_758f765501_b.jpg" alt="DSC06121" width="1024" height="889" /></a></p>

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<p>@Bruce, thank you! I got invitation from the couples to visit their college next time when I visit Monterey. I will pick the best photo and frame it on a 8x10 and carry with me as a gift to my new friends from Germany who study in CSU of Monterey Bay. My best day ever when my passion invokes response and touch someone. </p>
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