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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5, the missing FAQ by Victoria Brampton


It is a 700 page well indexed with readable type that covers just about everything you would need to know. It is not a tutorial per se but a reference document that will lead you to Chapters like working with catalogs. It is exhaustive in coverage.

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<p>I think you might like lynda.com videos. Lots of step-by-step training, easy to follow. The $25 a month is worth it and then some. They have everything from basic photo editing on up to sophisticated projects.</p>



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<p>Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5, the missing FAQ by Victoria Brampton</p>


<p>Note -- her name is "Bampton". No R. Here's the link: <a href="http://www.lightroomqueen.com/books/adobe-lightroom-5-missing-faq/">http://www.lightroomqueen.com/books/adobe-lightroom-5-missing-faq/</a></p>

<p>While this is a great book (disclaimer: you'll find my name in the acknowledgements), I'm not sure it's what the original poster is asking for. It is not designed to "teach step by step photo processing." One that comes closer is <a href="http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1118645219.html">"Lightroom 5: Streamlining Your Digital Photography Process" by Rob Sylvan</a> (disclaimer: you'll find my name in that one too), but it isn't quite what the doctor ordered either.<br>

I'm not aware of a book that is, but surely there's one out there.</p>

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I have often thought in that I am mostly LR self taught and that as Mark said there is no approach that starts with the fundamentals of LR. At least none that I know of. I tried Lynda but it is just an expanding list of features that decribes them well but I would prefer a broader more all-inclusive basic approach. I have taught some beginning photo classes where we started hands on from zero and built from there. I had been asked to do something with LR but declined because I don't think I am qualified even though I have used it successfully for a few years. But if I were to do it I would start right at the beginning with a holistic overview of design concepts to include descriptions of the catalog structure, basic import and export, what is a Library, Develop, distributed files and where does your picture go, preserving originals etc. I have Victoria's LR 4 book and I copied her name directly from the book. I just don't read well. The problem with teaching LR as I see it, is that you have to have people sitting at a computer actually doing it. There are courses in this area but they are quite expensive. When I taught beginning photography I had twenty to a class. I don't know how you would handle these numbers. That's why I declined to go further. As an old pilot I have been trained to know my limitations (the key to aviation longevity).
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My name is not found in any of these books,but FWIW I found both the Sylvan (a continuation of the Nat Coalson series) and the Martin Evening books very helpful. I spent an afternoon at Barnes and Noble comparing Kelby,Sylvan,Evening and Bampton and found for my learning style the two recommended above worked best. The Adobe (Peach Pit) video is a good start but not up-to date. In attempting to create an hierarchy in LR-5 use the < (left arrow) not the > and it will work fine.-Ed
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<p>I have just recieved my copy of Scott Kelby's 'Lightroom 5 book for digital photographers', $40.50 from Bookworld (bookworld.com.au) post paid delivered in 3 days from order! Looks great and excellent value! I think LR5 will be obsolete before I finish reading these 500 pages.</p>
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