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Pentax ZX-30 shutter does not fire when shutter release button is fully pressed


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<p>For some time, I've had a 35mm film kit consisting of a Pentax ZX-30 body with Sigma 28-105mm f/3.8-5.6 and Sigma 100-300mm f/4.5-6.7 lenses and never had any issues with it. I pretty much stopped using it about 3 years ago when I got into medium format, until the other day when I took out the ZX-30 to do some tele shots. I was surprised to find that the shutter would not fire when the release button was fully pressed, and the film would not advance. Everything else leading up to the shutter not firing seemed to work fine though - half-press autofocus, metering, flash, etc. I tried both lenses to no avail. I can hear a very faint buzzing/winding sound lasting about 1 second coming from the camera body when I fully press the shutter release, but again the shutter does not fire and the film does not advance. Based on what I am seeing, I believe something has happened to the ZX-30 body, though I do not know what, since it has been sitting idle in a closet for a few years.<br>

<br />Has anyone else experienced this? Is there something I can do short of having the camera serviced or replaced? I was hoping to use it more in general, and over the next few days in particular, so any help would be greatly appreciated.</p>

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<p>Sounds like a mirror motor gear failure, which is an endemic design problem with the Pentax ZX-series cameras. The gear on the motor shaft is plastic, of a type the shrinks with age. Eventually it splits, and free-wheels on the motor shaft.<br>

You can buy a new motor and brass gear on eBay, but the replacement process is intricate. Or you can order just a brass gear from a supplier in Poland, and it's a little less of a process (no soldering), but still no fun.<br>

Full discussion of both approaches here: http://www.pentaxforums.com/forums/pentax-film-slr-discussion/39450-mz5n-mirror-blocked-service-manual.html<br>

Or, you can buy a still-functional ZX-5n on eBay for probably $20, and use it until the motor gear fails. It's a much better camera than the ZX-30. The best three cameras in this series are the MZ-3, ZX-5, ZX-5n, and ZX-7, and all the rest are just cost-reduced versions of these. The ZX-30 has a "crippled KAF2" lens mount, which is a major strike against it!<br>

Always bring a spare camera when you're going shooting with any ZX-series camera that still has the plastic gear, it can split at <em>any time</em>.</p>


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<p>Paul -- if it makes you feel any better, I had the same experience with a ZX-5n: I used it for years, left it sitting in drawer for a few years, pulled it out and all I got was that whirring sound. I decided not to fix it and gave it away for spare parts when I sold its twin (I had two).</p>
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<p>Thanks, John and Jean, for your informative responses. I was afraid it was something like that. I now see that this is a common experience with the ZX series. On the bright side, I had inherited the camera and lenses for free, so no big loss there. I'd like to continue to use the Sigma lenses, though, so I may look for a substitute body, preferably without the crippled mount which I had read about in the manual. Any recommendations? If I understand correctly, the motor gear issue is a problem with all of the MZ/ZX cameras.<br>

<br />Also, I assume that the Sigmas I have are only compatible with cameras featuring the K mount type, correct?</p>

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<p>The symptom you describe does sound like what I believe to be the common MZ/ZX mirror motor failure -- it sounds very much like my MZ-5n does (I haven't fixed it yet).<br>

<a href="http://kmp.bdimitrov.de/bodies/film_Z-PZ/zpz20.html">PZ-20</a> is kind of similar to your ZX-30, and seems a little more robust. Biggest downside is probably the somewhat pricier 2CR5 battery, and unlike at least some of the better MZ/ZX bodies, the viewfinder doesn't have adjustable diopter. Does offer Hypermanual (and I believe program shit) which all of the ZX/MZ series lack (other than the MZ-S). The other Z-#0 or PZ-#0 bodies (Z-70, PZ-10, etc.) aren't all that different than the PZ-20, I mention that particular one since that's the one (from the PZ/Z-series I own. <br>

<br />Also, yes, your Sigmas can only be used with K-mount if you want autofocus & autoexposure to work. With certain bodies (including the Z/PZ series and the better MZ/ZX bodies) you can actually use the aperture ring on the lenses to control aperture.</p>

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<p>Paul, check <a href="http://www.keh.com/Camera/format-35mm/system-Pentax-Autofocus/category-Camera-Bodies?s=1&bcode=AP&ccode=2&cc=80146&r=WG&f">here</a>. You can get a PZ-1P for $69! Plus shipping. Or a ZX-30 for $10, a ZX-7 for $19 (that's the body I have left), or a pZ-20 for $16. They have a 6 month guarantee, I believe, although it can take a little while to get to you. I've bought lots of stuff from KEH and never had a problem.</p>
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