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How dust sensitive are you?


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<p>Hi, <br>

I can see a little speck in my D800 viewfinder...and as a result i am a little nervous when changing lenses in the field...<br>

Which begs the question...how much do you care about dust getting inside when changing lenses...? Is the anti-dust tech (sensor shake??) effective enough so that you can freely change the lenses...?<br>

What care do you take?<br>




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<p>If you see it in the viewfinder it is not in the light path going to the sensor. I change lenses in nasty conditions. I have never had a problem with excessive dust. I have my cameras set to clean every time they get switched on. Works like a charm for me. And worst case I clean my sensor when it needs it.</p>
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<p>I make an effort to remove the rear lens cap from the next lens, face the camera downward, twist off the lens, replace it with the next one as quickly as possible and install the rear lens cap on the extra lens. I pay more attention to not dropping my lenses. The sensor will eventually need cleaning regardless so for that I have the necessary equipment on hand.</p>
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<p>I freely change lenses, in pretty much most conditions, plus do what Gup does; another thing, I always try to face my back to the wind as well. But since I mostly use primes, changing lenses is a given. Dust is a minor nuisance, easily cleaned and easily solved (in photos of it happens to be on the sensor). I'm not going to let a fear for a dust particle dictate how I take my photos.</p>

<p>Funny enough, my D700 mostly used with primes - I had one tiny speck so far on the sensor in 9 months (with 20-100 lens changes per time I use it). A friend with a D7000 with 18-105 had a sensor full of specs, while hardly every changing the lenses..... Many zoomlenses pull in dust. So not changing lenses is not a 100% solution against dust either.</p>

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<p>If it is visible in the viewfinder it is more than likely on the underside of the focus screen. Use a rocket blower and puff it out - I got one the other day and it was tiny dot of black sticky dust like exhaust carbon.</p>
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