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<p>Four years ago I sold my 1v to fund the purchase of my 5DII, I was able to sell it for $900. Well recently I picked up a copy of the 1vHS for just $320. I forgot what a great camera it was, and I totally had forgotten the amazement of looking through the loupe at transparancies.</p>

<p>Here is my problem, the last lab in Atlanta to process E6 shuttered their doors at the end of December. Does anyone know of a reliable mail-order lab for E6?</p>

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<p>Kodak killed their E-6 line entirely about this time last year, its Fuji and I think Rollei makes a slide film. Velvia and Provia are still produced, I don't think their other former lines (Astia) are. I use theslideprinter.com for E-6, but Dwayne's is also good.<br>

The 1v is a great camera, it is still my main 35mm SLR. Have fun shooting!</p>

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