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Remote switch RS-60E3 or Remote control RC-1?


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It all depends on what you plan on using them for. The RS-60E3 is good for macro work or when you need to be behind the camera. The

RC-1 is good when you want to get in the pic yourself. The RC-1 works only from in front of the camera or slightly off to the side. I bought both units since they are fairly cheap. Again it all depends on what you plan on using them for.


I hope this helps you out.



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<p><b>Remote Controller RC-1</p></b>


<p>The Remote Controller RC-1 works with the EOS 10S, Elan, Elan II, Rebel TI Date, EOS IX and Elan 7E. It also triggers Canon point 'n shoot cameras that use an infrared remote, e.g., Elf Z3. The RC-1 can trip the shutter from 15 feet in front of the camera or slightly behind the camera. It will also fire the shutter from a few feet above, below or to the side of the camera so it makes a fine cable release. The range of the infrared beam increases indoors or in places with reflective surfaces, e.g., white walls and ceilings. You have a choice of immediate release or 2 second delay. If you hate plugging in electronic releases, especially removing that darn little cap, the RC-1 is the way to go.</p>


<p>Unfortunately, the camera manual doesn't mention use of the RC-1 with bulb and mirror lockup (MLU). This omission has lead to confusion and misinformation about the RC-1 and these features. Take heart, the RC-1 is fully capable of controlling both bulb and MLU. In this regard, the Elan 7E and RC-1 behave exactly like the 1991 Elan. For bulb exposures, fire the RC-1 once to open the shutter and again to close it. For mirror lockup (with CF5-1), fire the RC-1 set to 2 second delay: the mirror immediately swings up and the exposure is made 2 seconds later.</p>


<p><b>RS-60E3 Electronic Release</p></b>


<p>An inexpensive electronic cable release is available, the RS60-E3, for exposures requiring vibration control. The RS60-E3 behaves like the shutter button: half depress locks AF and exposure and a full depress fires the shutter (the RC-1 triggers AF, exposure and shutter in one press). You may trip the shutter from 2 feet away. If you have the RC-1, the RS-60E3 is redundant for most people. The RS60-E3 is also used for the Rebel Ti, Rebel 2000, Elan II and the EOS IX.</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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Sorry for that. My mistake, I didnt check the archives. But thanks to all of you. From what I gather, the RC-1 is a bit erratic and also battery dependant. One can always use the self timer instead of the RC-1 to be in the picture. Ultimately, I would love the convenience of the RC-1 but the RS-60E3 just looks like the more reliable option.
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