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Anyone compared Nex-5n and Nex-6 with WA RF lenses?

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<p>Anyone used both the Nex-5n and the Nex-6 with wide angle rangefinder lenses? Is there a difference in image quality between the two cameras when used with these lenses. Put another way, do the built in phase detection pixels of the Nex-6 make any difference in IQ compared with the 5n when used with these lenses?<br /><br />I have used a 5, 5n and 7. The 5n sensor was a major advance over that of the Nex-5 and was also much superior over the higher resolution Nex-7 sensor when used with wide angle rangefinder lenses with short flange to sensor distances. Most agree that the 5n is best among these 3 with these lenses because of the use of special microlenses in the sensor. Do the phase detection pixels of the Nex-6 sensor change those in a visible way?</p>
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<p>There are many reviews on the Internet.<br>

They compare those cameras more globally, as nobody can pinpoint a single camera feature and tell difference caused by one aspect.</p>

<p>5 days passed, and you have no comments, or answers. Do you guess why ?</p>

<p>... perhaps you have already strong opinions, like "<em>Most agree...</em>" - but actually this is not true.<br>

Who are those most people that colaborate with you ? - where the poll was taken ? what study ?</p>

<p>There are 99 phase detection points and 25 contrast detection points, that is small number comparing to 16 mega pixels. Addition of those points should not have any noticeable negative influence on image quality. Quite contrary, better and more acurate auto focusing in NEX6 usually brings higher percentage of good pictures (or keepers). </p>

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<p>David, I'd imagine that contrary to what Frank suggests, most people have not answered simply because most of us that have a 5n (like me) don't have a 6 also. Some might. I don't know. Although I understand (to some degree) Frank's cynacism about your generalities, I think what you stated succinctly is consistent with my study of the varioius reviews that lead me to buy the 5n, and that is that while the 7's resolution at 24 mp is incredible and the low light performance appeared to me to be at least extremely close to the same as the 5n (in reviews I read), the performance with the wide angle symmetrical design lenses on the 7 had some color shift that the 5n didn't have. Some people felt it wasn't an issue. I would agree that I didn't want that and preferred the 5n. To Frank I would say that I don't mean to be contentious, but my study indicated back then that the consensus of reviews was that the 5n indeed did "better" with regard to color shift at least with the Cosina Voigtlander 15mm 4.5, for example, which I own and was one of the main reasons I bought the 5n so that I could have an ultra wide. David, I am just not positive about the 6, but I think it did well, but I am not sure and simply have not read (or looked for) reviews about the 6 with respect to that. I can't blame you for asking.</p>
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<p>I thank you, Mark, for an appreciative response. I have and am keeping my 5n. Someone asked me as a basis for a future purchase if the 6 was as good as the 5n with WA RF lenses. I would think that the placement and angles of microlenses were the same for both though the addition of phase detection pixels could by itself make a difference and/or might have involved some change of the microlenses placement and angles.<br>

<br />What were meant to be "serious" reviews of the 6 were rather succinct since most of its features were in the 5n or 7 and forum chatter as far as I can tell simply never brought this potential problem up though there was much talk earlier of the new and better features of the 5n wrt WA RF lenses.</p>


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<p>I have assumed that the 6 was the same as the 5n in this regard, but I admit I would also want better confirmation before buying a 6 for this specific aspect. The way that issue initially brought quite a stir and now may have somewhat faded is interesting to me. I don't know it faded, but if you are saying that the reviews don't address it then I guess it isn't seen as important as when the 5n was introduced. Perhaps it is because a significant portion of the early NEX buyers were those like me that saw the chance to finally have only an aps-c crop with M wide lenses and focus peaking and finally saw the 5n as the solution for the dreamed-of cheap digital M, (which of course NEX isn't, but you know what I mean). It is still very important to me although I find I use the inexpensive but very good Sigma af lens 75% of the time, and I never thought that would happen. </p>
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  • 3 weeks later...
<p>I don't have the NEX-6, but I do have the 5N and the 7, and it's rare that the contrast detection is a problem for me. Phase detection is suppose to provide quicker, more accurate autofocusing in situations where contrast details are a problem, such as nighttime street shooting with moving objects, or similar colored foregrounds and backgrounds. With the Fuji X cameras this is a problem, which is why so many people were doing the happy dance when the X100S was announced. But I wouldn't run out and buy an NEX-6 just for the phase detection if I already had the 5N and was pleased with it.</p>
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