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Can Samsung pull it off with a FF NX-R


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<p>Detail in this link -- http://www.mirrorlessrumors.com/lets-drop-the-bomb-new-samsung-full-frame-nx-r-to-come-in-march/</p>

<p>Kind of think of it, Samsung has the resources to do this. What sort of mount will it have? Can it work well with Pentax K? I have wishful thinking.</p>

<p>I am longing for a Samsung EX-2 for myself after getting this gift for my wife this week. It has dual screens with the front one used in self portrait.</p>

<p><a href=" DSC03192 src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8377/8386409301_08fc8b67f3_z.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="425" /></a></p>

<p>Samsung does have some unique and advance products. I hope Miserere can share his opinions on Samsung mirror-less going FF as he is knowledgeable on Samsung nx series.</p>

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<p>When I see more discussion on the topic, I see <a href="http://photorumors.com/2013/01/15/samsung-nx-r-mirrorless-camera-to-be-released-in-march-nx30-currently-in-development/">photorumors post</a> with few pictures. It seems the NX-R is real but the question stays if it is a APS-C or FF. Many people think the R stands for retro. Looking at the NX300, the NX-R has a great potential to be something different, hopefully more significant. Many people on the <a href="http://www.mirrorlessrumors.com/lets-drop-the-bomb-new-samsung-full-frame-nx-r-to-come-in-march/">original link</a> that I post bash both Sony and Fuji on their latest advances in mirror-less in the comment section. I don't agree with the bashing and I am with @Tim Drake on 'the more competition the better' and I hope it is something small in size and unique. </p>
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<p>You rang, Hin? :-)</p>

<p>Somebody will make a FF mirrorless camera (with interchangeable lenses) at some point, it's just a matter of time and there's no point denying it. Will Samsung be the first? And if they are, will that mean anything? Samsung were the first to introduce an APS-C mirrorless camera, with some well selected focal lengths, and all for a reasonable price...and yet, Sony has had a larger success in that sector, despite having awkward camera (at least until the NEX-7 came out)s and lenses.</p>

<p>I've been surprised, I really thought Samsung were going to push hard and just flood the market with excellent equipment at reasonable prices, and people would use their common sense to purchase them. This hasn't happened, at least in the US and Europe, as far as I can tell. Samsung's initial 14.6MP sensor held them back for sure, but their current 20MP sensor is on par with the competition and yet they're not gaining traction. I don't think a FF camera would bring them any success.</p>

<p>The problem I see with Samsung is they haven't managed to position themselves as a camera maker, they haven't projected that image and photographers mostly see them as an electronics firm dabbling in photography. It's simply a matter of perception. Sony is also an electronics firm first and foremost yet they've still managed to make people believe they can be a photography company. Perception counts for so much more than quality.</p>

<p>If you want to know who I think will have success with a $2,000 FF MILC, it'll be Fuji and Sony, not Samsung.</p>

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