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E-PL1 movie taking with legacy glass

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<p>I have an Olympus E-PL1 with a C/Y to m4/3 adaptor so that I can shoot using my old Contax/Yashica manual lenses. I just started trying out shooting movies in this fashion. However, I noticed that while adjusting the aperture ring will effect the exposure to my still shots in manual mode, it seems to do nothing to the exposure while in movie mode, at least the way it looks through the view screen. Is there a default f/stop that it should be left on to achieve the sharpest view, does moving the ring it force the exposure one way or another or would adjusting the f/stop only changes depth of field? - Alan Quigley</p>
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<p>The E-PL1's movie exposure mode is set separately from the still mode. In the main menu's settings area, look for section I, Movie. The mode is probably set to P or A. Change it to M, and you'll be able to set shutter speed on the camera and use the manual aperture on the lens.</p>
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