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Lens Choice


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I will be buying a new lens in the next couple of days and have

narrowed it down to 3 choices. Sigma 70-300 apo macro, Canon 100-300

f4.5-5.6, Canon 75-300. I can get the canon 100-300 used for $359cnd

the sigma is also $359cnd new. and the 75-300 is $275cnd. which one

of these lens would be the best all around. I have choose these lens

due to my lack of cash:). Any information that you could provide

would be greatly welcomed. Thanks

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the 100-300 is a fine lens, I have one and love it. It is supposed to be pretty soft at the long end like the 75-300, but my sample seems to be pretty sharp at 300mm so I guess like all it is a question of choice. The 100-300 is also fast on the autofocus with the USM motors it is almost as fast as my 28-105USMII 3.5/4.5 on my Elan7.
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I too highly recommend the 100-300. If my conversion math is correct you can buy it used in mint condition from B&H out of New York for $310cnd ($199 us). It is probably a factory refurbish that never was used seeing that is what they claim most of their 10 rated equipment comes from. I don't know about shipping or any other fees or taxes you'd have to pay to import to Canada, but I have ordered all my equipment from them and have never had a complaint.
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I don't use it much but I've had the EF 100-300 lens since I switched to Canon equipment in 1999. It's not the best built lens I've ever owned but it's pretty sharp. Locked onto a tripod, carefully focused and using a slow, fine-grain transparency film, it's plenty sharp wide open at 300mm. It's lack of weight does make it harder to handhold, however. The EF 75-300 lens is probably in the same optical ballpark. I've never had any experience with the Sigma lens.
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