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scanning old photos with V700

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<p>I recently came across a large cache of old family photos - from the 50s - 70/80s mainly. B&W and color photos. No negatives. I purchased an Epson V700 expressly for scanning them.<br>

However, I am rather a novice at scanning. What are your recommendations as to what software to use to scan the photos?<br>

I read on SteveHuffPhoto that SilverFast SE is much better than the included Epson utility. It produces sharper images. I downloaded a demo of the program and it seems to rely quite heavily on manual fine-tuning of the settings. I have no idea what those settings should optimally be.<br>

Should I go with another software that's easier to use? Or should I stick with SilverFast SE? If so, what are the settings I should use?</p>

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I have the V500. Very similar output. I used the on board software until I became adept with that and then

eventually dissatisfied with the results and that's when I started shopping. I tried both VueScan and

SilverFast SE. The latter was the best on my machine but, as you note, it takes some effort.

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<p>John Vuescan and Silverfast will give you more control. You can set every little detail. I use Vuescan for my scanners. However I bought it because my current scanner didn't have any way of communicating with my current operating system. That was then. Now I have an Epson scanner (that I rarely use but not because it's a bad scanner). If I had started with that scanner I likely would never have tried Vuescan. I always say give the manufacturers software a shot. After all, isn't that part of what you paid for? If you find it lacking then you can move on, but there are plenty of folks that find it to be just fine.</p>
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<p>I use the included epson software and I think its fine. However I am reconciled to making some changes to the scans in Photoshop after the event- ie I'm not expecting or trying to achieve a scan thats usable right out of the scanner.I just want to be sure I get as much detail as possible to work on later.</p>
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<p>John, I use SliverFast for film scanning, so I have no idea with prints.<br>

Although it is often difficult to at first learn, once you get into its head space, it does a remarkable job. If your looking for results at the get go.. it is most likely the best approach. <br>

Or, like David stated, if you just want to scan the photos and get them into digital format... for later touch up, and wish not to really learn it, try one of the other, easier programs.<br>

A note: getting the final image begins with the 'data' scanned at the beginning.<br>

There's been times that I needed to do something, I just could not get out of PS with the first scan, but had to make another scan, twinkling the settings in SliverFast to get just what I wanted. It works, but you have to become familiar with the program, as its depth is amazing! Their support is very 'German', but reliable if your not on a hurried basis. Their forum leaves a great deal to be desired, but there e-mail tech support is good, but slow, as they are located in Germany, and seem to be under-maned. ;-)<br>

On their web site they have many 'movies' that will get you introduced in what you need to do.</p>

<p> </p>

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Could you go into some detail with regards to the advantages of SilverFast vs the built in application? I understand

SilverFast is more complicated, but what are some of the benefits I might get out of it?


Is SilverFast just editing these I images? If so, is it just like an automated photoshop workflow?

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<p>Well... to be honest there is really to many to give it credit here.<br>

It depends on which program you want to use, from beginner to professional. I would suggest that you go to SilverFast website<br>


and look at what is available. As an example select SE Plus 8 for beginners, that screen gives a description of the product and a movie. The movie will give you a description, with examples of what it can do. You can also download a demo, and actually try it. <br>

I have, and use AI Studio 8, and learned even more on how to use it from an excellent training video, tutorial, scaning With SilverFast on lynda.com that also has a free trail. </p>

<p>I hope this helped. </p>

<p> </p>

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