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Nikon V1 + 10-30mm UK price drop.


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Mph. I got one just before Christmas for about £290, and when I saw £260 a week or so ago, I figured that was acceptable attrition. £230 is a

bit of a hit, though. Obviously, it'll be a bargain until they finally clear the stock - then it won't.


I'm still justifying it as a D800 spare battery and charger with a 400fps high speed camera thrown in (or 60 at full res). Needs some (non-

incandescent) light to shoot like that, annoyingly - I don't think its 10fps mode is going to make me regret my cheap D700 grip yet. And it has a painful interface, of course.

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<p>The V1 is a terrific buy at the current discounted prices. I've had mine with the 10-30 VR for about 10 days and am thoroughly pleased with it. I know what to expect based on all the reviews, so the few warts don't bother me. I regard it as a high end P&S rather than a mirrorless system camera, so it fills that niche well for my needs.</p>

<p>It's fairly quick and easy to zip through the menu to access the adjustments I need most frequently. (P)rofessional mode works well enough because the zoom toggle can be used to bias exposure toward shutter speed or aperture as needed.</p>

<p>I don't plan to invest too heavily in the system but am hoping for a fast 13mm prime since I tend to use the 35mm equivalent focal length a lot.</p>

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Mike: Phonetics - the slightly disgruntled noise I made when I read the price. I dropped my H, because I was only mildly miffed.


It took me a while to work out how to move the AF point, but otherwise I guess it can be whipped into behaving like a camera. It's pretty much

as big as my GF2, though, and that's much nicer to use - but it can't shoot 400fps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>I just ordered one for about 300 euros with 10-30 VR.<br>

I think that V1 is perfect as second small camera to use with the big Nikon D800.<br>

For the quality photos D800, for street, churches, video, point&shot or as a backup a small V1 discounted should be very good.<br>

Never thought to buy V1 before at full price, but now (that there is new V2 more expensive), V1 seems has reach the correct price/value.<br>

In my opinion (for my photos) 1 FX + 1 CX is better than 2 DX .</p>

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