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Plustek 8100 vs Plustek 8200i Ai

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<p><br />Does anyone have solid information about the difference between these two film scanners other than price? I may have read that the only difference is that the included scanning software is different and that otherwise they are the same machine. Is that it? (I may have to replace my Nikon scanner (gasp!)</p>
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Yes, the only difference is that the Ai has...<br /><br /></p>

<h5> Build-in infrared channel with SilverFast iSRD for dust and scratch removal</h5>

<p>So you're just paying extra for what the software does -- not the hardware.</p>

<p>I personally loath any scanner adjustments. I feel scanner's were<br />built to scan, and not fix digital images. And software programs<br /> like GIMP and Photoshop that are DESIGNED to fix digital images,<br /> can do a far better job than SilverFast Dust Removal.<br>

Yes, using GIMP or Photoshop isn't as easy. Silverfast is quick and easy. <br>

<br />But what you save in convenience, you pay in quality.</p>

<p>I'd get the cheaper scanner -- without all the bells-and-whistles <br />like Silverfast dust removal.</p>

<p>Get a "natural" scan, then use GIMP or Photohop to fix your scans.</p>


<p>Hope that helps!</p>


<p> </p>

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