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Carl Zeiss SO-3.1 Flektogon 2,8/35 mm & Pentax K20D samples

markus maurer

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<p>Markus, another great series of photos. Whenever you have a chance, I like to know more about your setup with the Minolta table tripod that you use to brace your shots. You always have fascinating idea for the low lighting shots. </p>

<p>I went through some of the links and I am still perplexed about the lenses. Call me not quick in understanding, I share Trent's comment that it looks as if the lens appears inside out. The aperture disk seem to be in front of the glass element, is it not? And do the 35mm have separate aperture disks for smaller apertures like the three aperture disks on the 75mm? And how is focusing on this rare lens series?</p>



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Thanks for all of this, the back story is fascinating, and the sideshow with that pompous "expert" who wanted to prevent all linking to his site, adds another level of entertainment. Your response showed much class.</p>

<p>The capture of details in the fruit shot was excellent, though any image with lychee fruit is a winner in my book!</p>


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