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Spare Parts for Gitzo Tripod


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<p>Has anyone ever tried to order a spare part for a broken Gitzo tripod? I broke the main plate (the part the leg attaches to) on my GT2531 and went to the Gitzo support website. They now have Manfrotto distribute spare parts for them and provide a link to Manfrottos website. To make a long story short you can either call a number which always leads to voice mail or email the support dept and ask for assistance in ordering the part. They responded to my email after about a week and attached an excel spreadsheet that is an order form. It looks somewhat official but requires you to put your credit card information onto the form and email it back to them. No secure website or encryption. Everything seems legitimate but I think they should provide some security for making the order. I guess my question is does anyone know of another site where I can order the part? I'm kind of leery of sending my CC info to anybody that offers no security what so ever. Thanks for the help......</p>
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<p>Thanks Edward...... I have called the service dept a half dozen times (201) 818-9500, but it goes to voice mail and I never receive a return call. I know what the part number is and it would be simple to order over the phone but I need a live person on the other end. I might just have to take the chance on the order form.</p>
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<p>Fred: You have to trust somebody at some point. If you fax it to a company fax machine, you can assume that it will end up in the hands of someone who works for this outfit. My concern with email is that some hacker gets access to the server, my computer, or the computer holding the data. Even if you fax it or call in, somebody will probably type the number into a computer that could be hacked. Just a risk to take. Do cc companies still offer one-time use credit card numbers that expire after they've been used? That could be the solution.<br>

I just checked--BofA calls it ShopSafe. Maybe your bank offers the same option.</p>

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<p>Thanks Peter...... I went ahead and emailed the completed form back to them and asked for and received confirmation of the order. It just seemed risky. Most of the companies I have ordered from go out of there way to assure you that your credit card info is safe. Your right though...... just about any way it's done involves some risk.<br>



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<p>Would I be in your situation... There is really good thing on market, some Gitzo users ar buying it even with not broken bases: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Markins-TH-200-Tripod-Hub-for-Gitzo-Series-2-Tripod-/170930923575?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27cc46e837<br>

If link is not working, search for Markins TH 200 and also Markins TH 500 (more expencive). </p>

<p>These are lighter than original ones, tripod is more compact and from point of use, forum people seems really optimistic. But I feel good with my carbon 3x series systematic as it is. </p>

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