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17-55 issues


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<p>Hi, been reading and gaining much info for quite a while on here, but now i need to ask a question, I recently purchased a second hand Nikon 17-55, to upgrade from my tamron 17-50 ( non built in motor ). First impressions were that I was not blown away by the Nikons Sharpness, if anything its softer than my well used Tamron. I have tried it on both my D300 & D7000 and it appears soft on both bodies. The contrast compared to the Tamron is much better though... Is this normal or would you think it may be a bad example ? I have held the lense up to the light and i can see a couple of black marks which appear to be inside the lense, one of these is a line probably a couple of mm long so its not a speck of dust, any idea if this may be not helping and what it might be in there as it dose not appear in my images. Final thing is it appears to be sharper if i dont use centre focus points !!! any ideas most welcome, cheers Tony.</p>
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<p>How are you shooting? Hand-held or on a tripod? Into a lot of back light or not? Your last comment shows at least some of your shots are taken with AF, but have you tried it with manual focus? It could be an AF issue, so you should check whether the lens is focusing where you intend. Fortunately, both your bodies have the ability to fine-tune the AF behavior if that winds up being the solution.</p>
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<p>This does indeed call for controlled tests (on a tripod, with a proper focus target, in good light), and the use of your bodies' AF-fine-tune features. It's always possible that the lens is mis-aligned from taking a few hard knocks, but it's a real tank, and certainly capable of very sharp results (I beat mine up a lot, haul it everywhere, and use it close to wide open most of the time ... and it's sharp as can be.</p>
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<p>I was not blown away by the Nikons Sharpness, if anything its softer than my well used Tamron.</p>


<p>Photozone tested the tamron as sharper at every aperture and focal length. so, not surprised. i had the tamron for years, good lens. But the nikon has faster AF and better build.</p>

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