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Bronica EC light meter....any 6 volt ones made?


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<p>I acquired a Bronica EC light meter that has a battery cavity that will take either 2 3 volt batteries, or 4 1.5 volt batteries, or one 6 volt lithium battery. It has a serial number 127xx. I have also come across another Bronica EC light meter with a serial number of 129xx that also uses a 6 volt battery. <br>

The Bronica EC light meter instructions I have seen describe the EC light meter using a 3 volt battery or 2 1.5 volt batteries and those battery compartments only accept batteries totaling 3 volts. I have been advised that that battery compartment also has what appears to be a "grey plastic" insert which limits the compartment to a total of 3 volts of battery. That EC light meter had a serial number of 114xx. <br>

Has anyone else seen this anomaly? Is it just another example of the Bronica company making another change in their system years ago and not telling anyone? I definitely do not want to "fry" my electrical system in either my EC body or the EC light meter. Is there anyway to confirm mine EC light meter was in fact made to use 6 volts of battery in it? <br>

Thanks. Jon</p>

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<p>As you've gotten no responses here, I suggest asking on BUG (Bronica Users Group). Some knowledgeable folks there. If Tony Hilton is still active on it he may well be able to answer your question- he wrote a very comprehensive book on all the focal-plane shutter Bronicas.<br>

Also APUG (Analog Photography Users Group) David Goldfarb is a moderator and is knowledgeable on the older models such as yours. If he can't help you he or someone else might know someone who can.</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...
<p>In researching this issue, I have been advised by Jimmy Koh of Koh's Camera that there were 2 models of TTL light meters made by Bronica which are installed as the viewfinder for the EC body. Model #1 had a 3 volt battery system and Model #2 had a 6 volt battery system which was the same size as the 6 volt battery used in the EC Body. There are a couple of other minor differences, but all and all both are excellent meters only to later be replaced by Bronica's EC-TL camera.</p>
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