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Fftb Shutter Speed Dial


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I just received this camera today. The shutter speed dial does not notch between each stop when turning the wheel. I assume this is

defective. Should I return the camera or get it fixed? How much would a repair and overhaul like this cost? I only paid $40 for the camera

but obviously I am not pleased as the seller said it was in excellent mechanical condition. Thanks for your thoughts.



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<p>Robert, not quite sure what you mean by "notch". I have just picked up one of my FTbNs and turned the shutter dial. I think it notches <strong>at</strong> each stop/speed, but not between them. In other words, it is semi-secure at 60, 125, 250 etc in that there is resistance to it turning to the next "notch"/stop/speed. Once that resistance is overcome, there is no interim "notch" before you land at the next "notch"/stop/speed. I hope that makes sense and I hope that's what you have. If it isn't, try checking that the ASA dial is not interfering with anything. If it isn't then perhaps it is defective. I would have thought it will cost much more to fix than the camera is worth - in which case send it back or keep it as a paperweight!</p>
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<p>If I remember correctly from long ago, the detents are in full-stop steps (no intermediate steps). Under the shutter speed dial is a spring which pushes a small ball bearing into the detents on the outer plastic ring of the dial (under the plate that's marked 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 30, 60 etc). I'd say either the plastic has worn down over 40 years or someone had the shutter speed dial removed, the bearing shot one way and the spring shot elsewhere.</p>

<p>Hope that helps. You might be able to find a beater body with bad seals or other problems and attempt the repair, but do it in some kind of enclosure to capture flying parts.</p>

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