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How can you tell if the OM-1 has been converted to 1.5V?


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<p>Sorry guys, I know there are several threads about this, but none seem to answer this specific question. I recently picked up an om-1n whose light meter does not agree with my other freshly calibrated om-1. They're not off by much, less than a stop, but it makes me wonder if the new body has been modified to 1.5V, especially because the meter is off by about as much as I would expect a 1.5V meter to be off running the correct 1.3V cell (I have an mr-9 adapter). I can easily adjust for the error, but my concern is more that I don't want to damage the circuitry by running the incorrect voltage. These are 40 year old cameras after all, so I try to baby them as much as I can. Does anybody know if there's a way to check whether or not the camera has been modified? I do not know the previous owner, and the retailer did not save any information on the body, so all I have to go on is the body itself. Many thanks</p>
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<p>You can remove the bottom plate using a jeweler's screwdriver. Be careful, use the right sized tool and don't strip or lose the tiny screws.</p>

<p>Then look at the wire coming from the battery holder. You will see immediately if a diode has been put in there. There isn't much room, so the diode will be right there.</p>

<p>When you replace the base plate, don't over tighten the screws. Just make them good and snug. <br>

If you strip them or break them then that's too tight.</p>


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