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Aires 80mm Lens

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I bought this cool Aires 80mm telephoto/portrait lens, in great shape, on eBay. I was thinking I would acquire an Aires rangefinder camera with which it works. Can anyone identify which Aires camera models this lens would work with?<br>


Thanks in advance.<br>


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<p>Bob, Pick yourself up an Aires Viscount and you'll be set to go. I have one just like it for my Viscount. The Viscount has an extremely good 45mm f1.9 H coral lens and it's also a pretty well built camera. If you get one make sure it works. Working one go fairly cheap and are a pretty good bang for the buck. JohnW</p>
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<p>Steve, The 80mm just screws into the filter threads of the camera and there are built in frame lines in the viewfinder. There is also a reference mark on the focusing scale of the camera for setting the proper distance for the 80mm. So all you need is the lens itself and you're good-to-go. There is no reference mark for a 35mm on the Viscount. JohnW</p>
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<p>I have an Aires Viscount, and this auxiliary lens. It does work, but the combination isn't really very sharp. But that's OK, because without the auxiliary lens, the Viscount is a fine camera, with a particularly good rangefinder for a modestly-priced rangefinder camera. (They had a patent on a clever design trick.) The H-Coral 45mm f/1.9 lens is excellent as well. Common and affordable, but may need a clean/lube/adjust.<br>

There is an Aires 35-V that has true interchangeable lenses, 35mm, 45mm at two speeds, and 100mm. Rather rare.</p>


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