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Quick suggestions?


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<p>Hi<br />I am heading to Europe next month London, Amsterdam, Paris the basic museums etc. I was planning on taking my Nikon 18-200 VR with my D200 as I usually do when I travel but I was thinking of purchasing the Tamron 17-50 f2.8 and bringing my 70-300G as a long lens. I was thinking that the f2.8 might be a good idea? (also a good excuse to buy it LOL)<br>

Any thoughts?<br>

Thsnks in advance<br>


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<p>As big an aperture as possible and image stabilisation would be good for museums and interiors generally. Definitely go for the VC version of the Tamron.</p>

<p>Most London mueums seem to be OK with photography. That includes flash sometimes though I am not a fan of flash myself as the results of on-camera flash are often uninspiring at best. You can look up the museum websites to check what they permit.</p>

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<p>Read up on the historical or social characteristics of the culture, architecture and place you will visit. We did this for Portugal (most of it off the beaten path) and it really inspired what and why we photographed in regard to the people or places. Keep the equipment really simple and versatile, and boost the ISO if you don't have the fastest (and, damn it, the, phew, heaviest) lens. With probably little time at each site, you won't have time to make any fine art or highest resolution images, so you don't really need your best gear.</p>
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