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Trying to identify a Pentax

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<p>It's an early model Pentax with a detachable light meter on top of it. It could be the Pentax H/S series (H or S, depending on where in the world it was sold). It seems to have a top speed of 1/1000 which was the more expensive model, and the f/1.4 lens would be the top-end at the time. The pictures are pretty bad, perhaps purposely so, since the camera, lens, and meter look a little "rough" so it's hard for me to be certain exactly which early model it is.<br /> The meter was a <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kludge">kludge</a>, like many of the early SLR meters, coupled externally to the shutter speed dial. The Pentax version was no better than the others (like the earlier Photomic on the Nikon F).</p>
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<p>The H1 only has a shutter speed up to 1/500.</p>

<p>I think the SV is a good guess.</p>


<p>The problem now is that you have to buy one in pristine condition to let us know the accuracy of the meter and show us the bokeh of the f/1.4.</p>

<p>We will be patiently waiting.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Looks exactly like an SV I have with the same Asahi Meter and Super-Takumar 50mm f/1.4. The meter on mine is a few stops off, but consistently so, so it is actually usable. Whether this one works is anyone's guess.</p>
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