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which polaroid instant camera is better, 450,360 OR 250? PLEASE HELP

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<p>hi burcu. just two hours ago i got my polaoid land 250 from ebay / us. i also ordered 20 pk of fuji fp 100c from continental photo in New york at just 7 dollars a piece!! I've just made my first shots and this camera is working great. nice sharp pictures and very simple to operate vs the my earlier nice land 195 which had manual settings. land 250 has lighten, normal and darken settings depending on weather /sun. and also iso settings. then it light measures with the "eye" in front of the camera and sets it all automatic . infact i just plug my bowens gemini pro 1500 w studio flash right in and shot away - apparently its syncing with studio flash with high duration. its all metal and very solid. I've just made my first polaroid bleaching and scanned it in to photoshop and i looks awesome. i can just not understand if polaroid/fujiroid ever dies... long live polaroid or aneroid or the people who takes on the battle to preserve this creative art of photo. i just sold all my digit gear.. and in the next post I'm asking advice for buying a ricohflex or a yasicha mat 124 g. Now just buy a land 450 or 250 - i would go for the 250 because of the use of studio flash sync...</p>
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<p>Assuming assuming you will shoot fuji film, avoid the 360, get the 250; best price, and the lack of a timer will leave more room for the fuji film; the cartridge of which is slightly flimsy so the presence of the timer tends to cause difficulty when pulling the tabs...besides, it is difficult to find a working flash for the 360.</p>
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<p>Condition, condition, condition. They're all pretty much the same camera, but you need to know: do they work, are the rollers and such in good condition, have they been modified for modern batteries, does the shutter work, do they come with a (working !!!) flash? Sometimes, if you just want to take pictures, it's better to buy from a reputable seller with a full return/refund policy, than to try to find a bargain. I've bought 3 of these locally in the last couple of weeks, all of them require repairs, including rechargeable battery replacement in the 1 flash that I got. I'm hoping to get 1 good, working camera from the 3, so what does that 1 camera cost me? The price of all 3, plus whatever parts I buy, plus my time. ~150-200 USD.</p>

<p>But they are great cameras, so I don't mind.</p>

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  • 3 years later...

<p>"I'm hoping to get 1 good, working camera from the 3, so what does that 1 camera cost me? The price of all 3, plus whatever parts I buy, plus my time. ~150-200 USD" <br>

Dang! Some excellent points in that post, but you dont need to go to that kind of trouble and expense to get a good Land Camera. Excellent working Land Cameras can be obtained for well under $100, without any repairs or replacements needed.... On the other hand, restoring old cameras could be fun! </p>

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