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Mamiya RZ67 shutter stuck at 1/400


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<p>Hello !</p>

<p>First of all, sorry for my ugly english...</p>

<p>After months reading the forum, I decided to take the plunge and move to 6x7.<br />So I bought a RZ67, the seller told me it works 100%, but of course, it was not true.<br>

I bought it on a standard selling site, I can't return it :(<br>

I therefore ask you for help, here there seems to be super technical specialists.<br>

So, when I received the RZ, it only worked in "orange dot mode".<br>

In normal mode leds were working, but when pressing the shutter button, no light, but no trigger either.<br>

I disassembled the bottom (helped with the repairing manual), and the brown cable of S2 switch was unsoldered.<br>

After a quick repair, hurrah ! The camera works in normal mode, but sadly the shutter is always fixed at 1/400 :(<br>

I tried tons of things, the shutter speed dial is well working, battery replaced, not short in the circuitry, cleaned all the pins...<br>

The only way to have a longer exposure is to use the T mode on the lens, which works.<br>

<br />Before buying a new body, does someone have an idea ?<br>

Can it be the lens (140mm macro) ?<br>

Curious thing is the voltage between finder pins 1 and 3 (AV) which is 6 volts instead of 50/400 mV.<br>

Another strange thing : if the shutter speed dial is for example set to 2 seconds, I can see and hear the shutter magnet system (located in the bottom of the body) working for exactly 2 seconds. It looks like it doesn't act on the lens shutter...<br>


I'm really disappointed, the RZ seems extraordinary, I can't wait to use it...</p>

<p>Thank you very much, thank you for your help.</p>

<p>Have a nice day !</p>

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<p>I read that it could be the lens somewhere before.<br>

<br />But I also have a body that I bought which only shoots in 1/400 as well. Fortunately, it was advertised that way. I haven't opened it up to fiddle with.</p>

<p>Sounds like you made a lot of effort to fix everything you could. Try to find another lens to try out.</p>

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<p>Hello Gregory,<br /><br />Thank you for taking the time to respond.<br />You're certainly right, I'll try to find another lens to give it a try.<br /><br />Thank you again,<br>

Have a nice day<br>

<br />Julien</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>Hi again.<br>

Unfortunately for now I have not found anyone in my area that has a Mamiya lens to try with my body :(</p>

<p>I'm still looking, I'll keep you informed if things improve.</p>

<p>See you,<br>


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