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Metz 54 mz-4 on D200


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<p>According to this: http://www.metzflash.co.uk/pages/metz13.htm only the mz-4i provides i-TTL; I don't know whether a mz-4 can be upgraded to a mz-4i; your best bet might be to contact Metz directly (that would be bogenimaging.com here in the US or metz.de in Germany). Even if you get to a mz-4i, you may still need to upgrade the firmware to be compatible with your DSLR - see here: http://www.metz.us/NEWS+%26+EVENTS/News/Updated+Metz+Compatibility+Chart+2011/11238100</p>

<p>I expect that the flash should work in A mode if it is equipped with the standard SCA-301 adapter - otherwise, there could be problems depending on the camera model; again, Metz is likely the best source for that information.</p>

<p>I have been a big fan of Metz flashes for a long time - but gave up when the SCA adapters multiplied like crazy and the manuals become virtually unreadable.</p>

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<p>"<em>try to sell it through ebay</em>"...sounds like major reason not to buy electronics on e_bay.</p>

<p>However, buying a violin on e_bay could be good..:)</p>

<p>I purchased a violin on e_bay auction for $500 from a used car dealer. He got it from an unnamed street vendor.<br /> It turned out that the maker name and serial number was unprofessionaly scraped off the inside the violin. However, the violin was recognized by the Metzler Violin Shop in Glendale,CA, as one of most valuable violin line they carry. Estimated price was over $3000, without the original label.</p>

<p>Note: The photo.net programmers used some rules, and prevented e bay name or e Bay name in my text, even though it was not a link. However the same name used by poster was somehow allowed.</p>

<p>It is good that photo.net do not promote "shady deals" places.</p>

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<p>We are off topic to musical instruments ^_^. Metz 54 mz-4 can still be used on film cameras. I'll state that in my ebay post.Metz got crazy with their SCA adapters. Let's see if somebody would like to use it on film bodies. <br>

I had good and bad luck with cameras on ebay but only good experience with musical instrument. I bought an old professional level wooden clarinet and a yamaha student flute on ebay last year. They both turned out to be in excellent condition both cosmetically and playing. The clarinet only cost me $50. I was planning to give it a complete overhaul but it turned out that I only need a pad. I have to save that nice lady as my prefered buyer. </p>

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