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Edward Weston's Daybooks


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Does anyone know how many volumes of Weston's Daybooks were

published? I have Volume I. Mexico and II. California, but this is all I've ever

seen and searchs on Yahoo don't bring up much information. These are

obviously out of print and finding them can be tough, but I can't determine if

there were more of them made.


Any details would be appreciated.

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There were only two volumes of Daybooks. It's a sad thing that they should ever go out of print. However, there has been a great deal written about Weston, some of which is worth the effort to read. The most recent (and perhaps best) is the book "Through Another Lens", by Weston's second wife and most famous model, Charis Wilson. Highly recommended . Also of interest would be a collection of essays called "EW 100", published in 1986 at the centennial of Weston's birth; and there is also a collection of his own writing, "The Edward Weston Omnibus" (which I have not read).
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Tribby. Do you mean Malcolm was wrong in the NYR article

(which hasn't made it to this side of the atlantic yet) or

elsewhere? The link you give says nothing about her opinion



I usually enjoy what Malcolm writes about photography, so if you

can take time out from your Acer-on-Acid induced puking I'd be

interested in more detail.

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