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Wedding Photo of the Week--The Getaway--3/19/12


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<p>I am continuing the theme assignment in this week's POW. I may even change the title, but not right away. This week's theme is The Getaway--meaning that time when the bride and groom ride off into the sunset. Make sure it is 700 pixels or less in width and/or length - AND - make sure to enter a caption in the caption box on that page where you've uploaded. Some technical details about the shot would be helpful.<br /><br />This is not a contest - but simply a discussion of art and technique, with illustrations. Positive as well as constructive suggestions are what will occur. HOWEVER - IF you wish to post your image but DO NOT WANT to be considered for critique - please say so in your caption. Images that show as a link will be deleted and you'll be asked to re-post.<br /><br />Newcomers and Pros are both welcome to post in this thread. You can start discussing immediately. ;-)</p>
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<p>Marc W. I like the shot but i think the blur in the foot is distracting...also i would have cleaned up the sand by the feet....other than that i like the expressions on the couple.</p>

<p>Ian.....I like the image but i would have like to have more of the door....and a little more photo right.</p>

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@ Dave -- Actually, your crop is close to the apect ratio of the revolving banner shots on my wedding site, where this is being used now. I think the shot still works with some off of the top, but for me it's an exercise in space and scale, with the expanse of trees creating a feeling of openness/future. In the album, it's cropped to a square bleed but the height is still there. Also, it's a bit of a complementary color exercise, with the green subdued and the magenta tweaked so that it's dominant without being sugary. In this kind of shot my first impulse might be to go the 300/2.8/fill the frame with the perspective from center/rear. But this day the expanse grabbed me, and I had gotten a few solid lead-in shots that rounded it out and allowed me go for mood over hard content.<div>00aB6s-452261584.jpg.da0626e48d7eb92a9e9f40c7a43c95d6.jpg</div>
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<p>I love these shots of leaving. The relief, the joy, and they really are such a powerful story telling images.</p>

<p>Marc, as ever, you have a knack for grabbing a shot that speaks.</p>

<p>Ian, love it. Magazine cover (of a landscape oriented magazine?)</p>

<p>Dave, good mood with the bride. I would love to see the whole face of the driver though. Also a little more exposure on the brides face would be a bonus.</p>

<p>Rab, while it is a great shot emotionally, it is a bit flat in the color, and I think would benefit from some curves tweaking.</p>

<p>Karl, sweet and retro to fit the car style. I do prefer the second shot you posted. That is all about the emotions of the leaving and speaks louder to the intent (as I read it?).</p>

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