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<p>Hello everyone. I need a little help chosing a new monitor for photo processing. I determined to buy an EIZO monitor as the lab i print uses EIZO, and i guess i will get closer results for my prints. I am looking for 24 inch monitor or even better a 27 inch. depending on the price always, whicj\h I want to limit as low as spossible. Is there any monitor qualified for photoworks, may it be an older version, an 27 inch, not exceeding 700 euros ?<br /> 24 inches will do if I do not find a suitable 27 inch monitor at that price rangw<br />with regards<br /><br />www.constantin.gr</p>
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<p>finding a lowcost Eizo monitor.. get a NEC then ; )</p>

<p>Same spec, same result, same high end monitor use by pro... less expensive. Whats important is not the brand you get is the calibration you do. So you dont need a Eizo just because your lab have one, you need a highend display like your lab have yes, witch could be a NEC, and you need a device such as a i1display pro to calibrate it to a know standard.</p>

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