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Wedding Photo of the Week--The Dress--4/9/12


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<p>I am continuing the theme assignment in this week's POW. I may even change the title, but not right away. This week's theme is The Dress. It could be hanging, or not. Make sure it is 700 pixels or less in width and/or length - AND - make sure to enter a caption in the caption box on that page where you've uploaded. Some technical details about the shot would be helpful.<br /><br />This is not a contest - but simply a discussion of art and technique, with illustrations. Positive as well as constructive suggestions are what will occur. HOWEVER - IF you wish to post your image but DO NOT WANT to be considered for critique - please say so in your caption. Images that show as a link will be deleted and you'll be asked to re-post.<br /><br />Newcomers and Pros are both welcome to post in this thread. You can start discussing immediately. ;-)</p>
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<p>Yep Lauren ... the back is the part of the dress the Bride doesn't see much of ...</p>

<p>Some Canon camera with some sort of Canon lens ... flash used to balance with ambient and still hold detail in the window. This whole wedding album was very graphic in composition and design of the images.</p><div>00aFrl-456943584.jpg.a7609a54a64baa5fab39802f0e972c5e.jpg</div>

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@ MWilliams- Beautiful classic design and balance. What are you, an A.D.?

@MAK- I like the use of negative space, the drama and balance. Nicely done. Your shot made me think of one I worked a bit. The bride did a Rhett and Scarlett theme, and a couple of the shots begged for a tintype treatment. I created the texture with captures I made of old concrete.<div>00aFsd-456957684.jpg.07ea146e633b113a84f7096908cfa7d8.jpg</div>

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<p>MM....i love the look on on the bride....intense. To bad you couldn't have lit the upper stirs... still nice shot.</p>

<p>Lauren S....i like the expression on the bride...the pose...and really love the geometric light and dark shadows in the shot.</p>

<p>Marc W....the bridal shot...the symmetry is dead on...your third photo is just so cool...i love the movement.</p>

<p>Mark K....I really love the 'dancer dress' shot...the window and the way it lights behind them is perfect....really thought out. I would rather the bride looking at the groom.</p>

<p>Karl K...your use of texture in this shot is right on! This gives such a painted feel to it...and the appearance of the bride running away just adds to the shot..........timeless.</p>

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<p>Kelsey, I love your tractor shot 8-))))</p>

<p>Mark, that shot in the colonial mansion is very nice, but I'm just thinking where I would have brought in my 2nd light from the left to send the light onto the couples faces from the other direction, the grooms face is in the brides head shadow, and also if you have the bride turn her left foot to you, and keep her weight on her back foot she will look more comfortable.</p>

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