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Cleaning bottom glass on AE-II and removing focus screen


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<p>Before I use lens tissue on the bottom glass of my AE-II finder I thought I would check here to see if I am risking some scratching or hazing. Exhaling on it then using a lens brush isn't getting it any cleaner. Also, I would like to remove the focusing screen from my ETRS. What appears to be a latch doesn't seem to move and I didn't want to force it. Suggestions for removing?</p>
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<p>You should see a sliding latch at the base of the focusing screen, that is, towards the film back. Slide it to the left using the silver knob, and the screen just lifts out by raising the small black tab.<br>

I've never had occasion to clean the base of the finder, but I doubt if you will cause any damage provided you use good technique and be careful not to let any cleaning fluid run into the finder body. Hope this helps.</p>

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<p>Thanks John. The finder is easy to remove. I was hoping to hear suggestions on how to get the glass clean with out scratching or hazing it. When the finder is off the camera you can really see how dirty the optical path is. I guess I'll try lens tissue or Zeiss pre-moistened paper towel.</p>
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