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Problem with ETRS shutter


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<p>Dear all,<br>

I am very to new to this forum and to medium format photography, so I apologize in advance if my question it's banal.<br>

I have a zenza bronica ETRS whose shutter has a strange behaviour:<br>

-when the multiple exposure selector is active (horizontal lever and red dot exposed), as expected, the film spool does not rewind and the shutter is armed and working.<br>

Now the problem:<br>

- when the same selector is in the "normal" vertical position, the film spool advances as usual, but the shutter does not work at all.<br>

Is that a problem? (I have done these trials without loading a film)<br>

Do you have some suggestions to solve it?<br>

Thanks in advance to you all.</p>

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<p>If the battery is dead, or no battery is installed, (4LR44 or A23), your shutter speed will be 1/500th of a second regardless of the shutter setting. Be sure a proper battery is installed. The shutter will NOT work unless you have a properly advanced film back with film in it. This is because the body can detect whether the film is past the wind-on section of film. An empty back will not cause this advance signal. <br>

So, if you've only tried it with no film, this behavior is entirely normal.</p>


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<p>You probably have no film in it.</p>

<p>The "normal" single exposure mode needs film in order to work or else the winder just goes round n round n you won't be able to fire it.</p>


<p> </p>

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<p>Been there, done that... Paul R straightened me out on this too. Unlike most (all?) 35mm SLR cameras you cannot dry fire an ETR*. Load a roll of 120 film and you should be fine. FYI: It will take a good bit of winding to get your camera ready to shoot after loading it up. It takes maybe 8-10 strokes with my speed winder. Good luck.</p>
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What you have described is normal. Without film in the camera back the winding will not come to a stop, unless the multiple exposure lever is engaged.</p>

<p>The ETR-S can be dry fired by engaging the multiple exposure lever, then winding. The camera will wind then stop, just as if it had film in it. It will do that because the film advance is disengaged when the ME lever is engaged, but the camera must still be wound to cock the shutter.</p>


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I do thank you all for your explanations.

I have received this camera as a gift but it was in really bad

conditions (a lot of parts were missing), so i wanted to

know if this behaviour was normal, because it was not

described in the manuals i found.

Let's hope my bronica will return to life!

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