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Need Opinions From The Ladies


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<p>As a guy in the wedding business who also has never been married, I always have to wonder about the first impressions my site makes on prospective brides when surfing the web. I would appreciate any opinions and/or feedback not just about the images, but the overall impression one gets from the text and over-all presentation. I'm not afraid (actually welcome it) of harsh criticism, but please keep it professional and relevant. My site address is <a href="http://www.benengphotography.com">http://www.benengphotography.com</a> . <br>

Of course, if there is anything I can help anyone out with too please ask. </p>

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<p>First impression: nice layout, pretty pictures, easy to look through all the photos. I appreciate being able to see full coverage (unlike some who only show 5 photos, which I will assume are their best shots).<br>

Here's my off-the-cuff thought process:<br>

When I read your "about me" section I judged you a bit--ski and snowboard photographer? He's gonna show up and be all "hey dude and dudette! Ready for some photozzz?!" and have the attitude that weddings are some easy money to do on the side. But then all that was changed when you mentioned you are now a full-time wedding photographer since 2004, and I <em>like</em> that you still do professional snow sport photography--showing me you are interested in staying on top of things, creatively and professionally--since I imagine ski photography is pretty challenging.</p>

<p>I looked at your recent weddings. All good lighting, creative poses, etc. Good stuff. FAQ is straight forward and I like your responses.</p>

<p>The blog didnt feel personal enough to me. The most recent 3 posts all "talk up" the venue, like it's a commercial for the venue and not the awesome wedding you photographed. You didnt really describe how the day went, what draws you to the couple, what made you "connect" with the bride and groom...no funny story, etc. Needs more attention placed on them.</p>

<p>Overall, after looking at the site for a few minutes, I really like your photos but I dont get that "wow!" feeling. I'd put you in my maybe pile. I know that isnt terribly helpful for you, but I think it comes down to the personal connection. I looked at many of your photos several times trying to figure out why. I see lots of the same "money shots" for each wedding, and I dont really connect with the couples' photos. They seem happy, smiling, pretty, but... not emotional enough. All of your engagement photos have the couple head to head. It's many photos of the couple smiling at each other or kissing. I want to see some different, more intimate poses: heads on the shoulder, a special hug, caresses, etc.</p>

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Outside portraits are really nice. Excellent use of back lighting . You reception shots in my opinion are reddish, seems like all of them were this way, indicating dragging the flash. A few shots are nice, but several shots may need some light.
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