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Beseler 45MX II Questions


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After being out of photography for years I'm trying to get a darkroom

equiped again. I have several questions about the Beseler 45MXII if

any one can please help. I just purchased it today and have to wall

mount it.


1. The enlarger has a model 45MB Cold Light Head mounted. There are

two power cords coming out of the head. I plugged in one cord and the

cold lamp came on and the only thing I noticed when I plugged in the

other cord was a dim lamp that you can see threw a hole in the head.

What's this other power cord for?

2. I plan on enlarging some 4x5 B+W negatives to about the size of

11x14. The enlarger has a lens board which is held on with three

screws. I can't see any threads in the board and it almost appears

that there's some kind of soft rubber where the threads should be.

The board looks to be about 1/2 in thickness. I need to get a lens to

fit this and have no idea what to look for. I know I need a 135-150mm

but as far as the mounting I'm lost.


Thanks in advance for your help. Hopefully I can get this mounted and

everything adjusted by the time I find a lens.



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> The enlarger has a lens board which is held on with three screws.


This is a special board sold by BKA that allows for alignment of the lens panel, hence the three screws. If memory serves, it's for a 150mm lens that has a 50mm mount size, perhaps mounted to a flange. I never used one myself but was just dimly aware of its existence.


If you don't want to use that board you can simply use an ordinary Beseler board.

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Further clarification: The heater cord should be plugged in to a hot outlet while you're working. The other cord should be plugged in to your timer or used with an on/off switch to time the exposure.


A follow-up question: Where can I find the three screw lensboards mentioned?

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