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EOS system lost !!


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My EOS system of many years was stolen 30 minutes after arriving in

Malpensa Airport in Milan earlier this month. I had an A2E, a 70-300 IS,

a 28-105, and a 540EZ. I wasn't planning on buying new equipment, but

now I must. Any suggestions on current bodies and flash? My A2E

performed flawlessly for more than 9 years, maybe I should find a good

used one?


Thank you.



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That sucks big time, hope I have more luck in Italy (Venice) when I go there next month!


As for new bodies: Your A2E is called EOS 5 in Europe, good to know if you go searching for a 2nd hand! The A2E is no longer a current model, so you can either go for an EOS 3, which is one up, or go for the "prosumer" Eos 30/33 (the 30 has Eye Controlled Focus, other than that, the same camera as the 33). That has a higher spec than your A2E when it comes to features, but it is not built as rugged.


The 540EZ has been replaced with the 550ex with GN 55. Lower spec (GN 42) is the 420ex, also compatible with the bodies mentioned above.


Hope that helps!

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so sorry to hear that ! just wondrin if there's a chance of getting our equipment insured. where? type of policy? w/c company? i'm sure most of you guys out there would know how to do this stuff.could really help you know? i just came back from LAX tho,, (well sorry to add my experience) but, customs checked my camera,(eos 1) w/ film loaded , press 800, and you know how tight security at airports are nowadays,(you even gotta take your shoes off)they had to prove that it was a real camera,and not a bomb.so they made me turn it on,after passing thru that BS Xray friggin machine,that didn't satisfy them ,they had to open the back and check if there was a film inside , w/o even asking me.of course you know the result ,HUH?HUH?HUH? sorry man , i don't think that helped you in anyway,,pc
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I am very sorry to hear that. Did you notify the police ? Before you buy anything, wait a few days. You may get lucky (though I doubt it).


However, this can be your chance to have E-TTL. I consider it a VERY big deal. I upgraded my body from an old ELAN (100) to a new one (7e) mainly to have it. So, what will it be ? EOS 3 or EOS 30/33 ? Here is a quick list of the main differences.


EOS 3 : Excellent build quality. User interface with buttons. Sealed against the elements. 45 AF points. ECF. Evaluative, partial and spot metering. Very loud. Heavier. More expensive. Compatible flash is the 550EX. Similar in size and weight to your 540EZ. Heavy and expensive.


EOS 30/33 : Very good build quality. User interface with dials. Not sealed against the elements. 7 AF points. ECF (only in the 30 model). Evaluative and partial metering (no spot metering). Very quiet. Lighter. Cheaper. Compatible flash is the 420EX. Smaller, lighter, cheaper, no manual control, no rear LCD. Naturally, the 550EX is also Compatible with only one minor exception. AF assist will not fire when you choose top or bottom AF points.


Lenses : Well, Italy is more expensive than USA so it may not be a good idea to buy a lot. I think you should stick to the 28-105/3.5-4.5 USM and maybe add 50/1.8 for low light.

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That sucks, make sure you post your serial numbers on photo.net if you have them. I would get another A2 if I were you, I think they're one of the best cameras you can buy. You can still find new ones online for around $500 which is a deal for this camera. I can't justify spending double on an EOS 3 for the features you get and lose. That's just me though and you'll have to compare for yourself.
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A group of five of us were flying from the U.S. to Milan. After clearing Customs, we sat at a table at the coffee shop in the arrivals area of Malpensa. I went to the restroom and then made a few phone calls with my bag in hand. I then went back to our group and placed my Domke bag down into a pile of our luggage - it was not visible as I made sure it was well covered. I then walked over to check bus schedules and when I came back, the bag was gone. At no point were the bags left alone. There were always two people sitting next to them. My guess is the crooks spotted the Domke bag and waited for the right opportunity to create a diversion. I did file a police report, but that's only for insurance purposes.


I hope the person who took my equipment was truly needy and I hope the proceeds from the sale of my gear will help them.



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I'm truly sorry about your lost equipment--especially at the beginning of your holiday. It underscores for me the importance of keeping my own camera bag <i>on my person</i> or secured while traveling. <p><p>


I know this is tangential to the original question about replacement gear, but I keep an "inventory" list of my camera gear--models, serial numbers, etc.--and carry it with me separate from my camera bag when I'm traveling. I print out several copies when I'm packing. so that I won't lose my only copy, and it makes it easier to make a Xerox should it be necessary. While I agree that the chances of recovering your gear is slim, it makes it easier to give the police and your insurance company a full account of your stolen/missing gear.

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When we travel I'm utterly paranoid about my equipment being stolen. It drives my wife to drink! When I'm eating at a table the bag is at my feet and I have physical contact with it at all times. When I'm on the pot its either right there with me or my wife watches over it. She KNOWS she'd best not let it get stolen! Any other way is sheer folly.
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My condolences for your loss.


As an aside, I can share my experience with crime in Milan.


About 5 years ago, I was in Milan for business and decided to walk to where the "The Last Supper" was housed. On the way there my partner and I were confronted by 4 guys (3 of them in a car and one on the street). The one guy flashes a badge, tells me that they are policemen and that I'm going to be searched for drugs. Well, this is my first time in Italy, and I have no idea what's going on, so, next thing I know, I'm being searched. The guy is thorough. He pats me down, then asks if I have any weapons, etc. Then somehow, he finds my wallet and starts going through it (sniffs it, etc). My partner starts to get suspicious at this point and snatches his wallet from the guy's hands. He then gets in the back passenger seat of the car with 3 other guys in it and for whatever reason (maybe because he still had my wallet and passport) I jump head first into his open passenger window. The car starts to go and I'm being dragged down those not-so-easy-to-walk-all-day-on Italian cobble stone streets. After 5 or so feet, I manage to wrestle my passport and wallet out of his hands, while the guy is busy taking cash out of my wallet. Then all of a sudden, I fell out of the car. I tumbled to a halt, got up and was $200 poorer, but managed to get back my passport, and my wallet (with the rest of my money in different compartments).


I was all bruised up. The corner of my Zippo lighter in my pant pocket was scraped to the brass, but strange enough, I found no holes in my pants.


We continued our walk, saw the Last Supper, and on our way back (two blocks from the US Embassy, no less!), some other guys tried the same mugging scam on us! Well... this time this new group had a 5th member, who stops people in the streets, asking for directions from his map, while his partner(s) sneaks up on us, demanding to search us. Well, as soon as he flashes his fake badge, I kicked him, slap his badge onto the ground and both my partner and myself started screaming and yelling, while walking towards the middle of the street, into traffic (drawing attention). The two guys got into the car (with 3 other guys in it) and left. I should've went back and picked up the fake badge, but felt lucky enough not to be victimized again. They probably thought we were rich Asian tourists or something.


I'm planning to go back to Italy one day (it's really a beautiful country, but I've learned my lesson the hard way: Always be aware and alert. Both incidences happened in broad daylight, when being mugged was the last thing on my mind. Surprisingly enough, nothing happened to me wandering the streets of Milan and Florence at night till dawn all alone.


Go figure.



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There are many small differences between the EOS 5 and the EOS 1n (and also the EOS 3!). If you don't want to learn how to operate a new camera, or if you need a built-in flash, then buy a used EOS 5.


In my case, the command dial on my EOS 5 started to break, so I bought a used EOS 1n to be its eventual replacement. I found it in the classified section of photo.net.

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<i>"I hope the person who took my equipment was truly needy and I hope the proceeds from the sale of my gear will help them."</i>


Apart from the total disrespect for traffic laws and the street crime, Italy is NOT a third world country, it's a rather prosperous one, actualy. Your thieves are not needy of money, they could easily get a day job. Actualy, they probably have one. Someone that clever in stealing needs jail time, not your camera equipment.


Don't kid yourself, they are common thieves!

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Sorry about your loss. I've had three A2e cameras, all great, and still use one for metering my large format and for checking compositions.


Insurance was $600.00 per year for my photo business, my insurance carrier said home coverage wouldn't cover me since I made money. The separate policy also includes liability, which would cover someone tripping on a cord, injuring themself and rhen suing me. I couldn't get State Farm to write the policy, you have to go to the smaller independent carriers.


My preferred method is paranoia. I smiled reading about the person who stays attached to his gear all the time when traveling. My gear is always in my hand or, if I'm sitting, the strap is inside my leg.


I carry non-descript bags. Big glass is inside a cheap plastic box, well padded and always in my hand. I don't wear my photo vest through airports, I tear off any brand name tags, I don't wear "Outdoor Photographer" ball caps or anything that indicates photo equipment on my person.


I stow my gear in the opposite overhead of the plane so I can see the bin, if possible.


I've heard the worst place is the Men's room. If I'm in a stall, and pardon me for discussing this, be careful of items hanging over the door and easily snatched.


I always keep ID's in every piece of equipment so if they are taken, I can point out identifiers to the police.


This may be overkill but I can't afford to be without the gear.


I did have a tripod and head taken out of the back of the truck because I forgot to lock it. So far, that's it.


Have you tried to claim the loss on your homeowner's policy?

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I too am sorry to hear about your photography loss. I know this kind of thing can happen anywhere, but Italy seems to be especially bad. My parents traveled all over the U.S. and Europe and the only problem they had was on a bus in Italy. It was an entire family of Italian female bandits. A woman with a baby pretended to stumble, practically dropping her baby. My dad reached out to catch the child as a second woman snatched his wallet then passed it on to a young girl. He got his wallet back, but only because he made a small scene and threatened to have the bus driver call the police to meet them at their next stop. It's a shame that those women are raising a whole new generation of thieves.

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Sorry to hear about your loss. I just got a used 1n-RS to replace my hardly

used EOS 5. The EOS 5 is in about 95% of new condition if you are

interested. I got into medium format about he time I got the 5 and maybe put

25 - 50 rolls of film through it. I got a RS because I wanted to do some high

speed work and Auto racing work and to backup my D30.


If you want a 5 to replace your camera feel free to email me.




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