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135N or 135W back for my ETR... or just skip it?


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<p>I am thinking about picking up a 135 back for my ETRS. I have no interest in developing color film so I would have Costco do it and provide a DVD "preview" to go along with the negatives. If the 135W produces something like a 53 x 24mm negative I would ask Costco to leave the film in one continuous strip. Then figure out how to scan this on my v500. Has anyone done this? I sense that people have had mechanical problems with the Bronica 135 backs... I guess the extra gears for altering the orientation and stepping distance? I'd like to hear about your experiences.</p>
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<p>I have the 135W back. Bronica's specification says it's 24X54. Mine measures at 24X55.1, which makes sense, as their spec. for the regular backs, supported by my own measurement, is 42.5X55.1. I have had no problems with it.<br /> <br /> Loading film into the insert is a little involved until you have done it several times, and putting the insert into the back is the same way. Once the routine is clear (for example, the rewind button has to be out for the insert to load into the back), difficulties disappear.<br /> Maybe some tried to force things and caused mechanical problems. Or maybe the backs do have a weakness- but I haven't experienced a problem.</p>
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