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HELP!! Summicron 50mm DR Parallax Focusing Problem


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<p>I just bought a Summicron 50mm DR with goggle.</p>

<p>However, after I installed the goggle on my M3 and M6, the near-focusing parallax seems not working at all.</p>

<p>The vertical/horizon line is not moving to focus.</p>

<p>Without the goggle, focusing/parallax works fine.</p>

<p>Is there anything wrong with the lens, or the goggle, or the way I installed?</p>

<p>I put the lens without the goggle on the M3/M6 first, then moving forward the focusing ring to unlock the near-focusing, then install the goggle.</p>

<p>Please help. Thank you.</p>

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<p>You shouldn’t even be able to mount the goggles unless the focusing ring is adjusted to close-focus mode. This being said, the lens should focus with and without the goggles. </p>

<p>If I understand your statement/question correctly, the lens focuses in both modes, but the parallax (frame) movement has stopped with the goggles mounted. If this assumption is correct, then there is nothing wrong with the lens. There are restrictions in the RF, which means it will not move indefinitely (parallax/framing in close mode is corrected with the eyes). Framing with an RF is never perfect and substantially less accurate compared to that of most SLRs.<br>


If you're instead staying the lens does not focus at all with the goggles mounted, then the lens is not working properly. </p>

When you come to a fork in the road, take it ...

– Yogi Berra


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<p>Actually I am not really sure if the lens does focus or not...Either with or without the goggle, the lens's focusing ring moves smoothly.<br>

<br /> Without the goggle, it works great just like a normal lens.<br>

<br /> With the goggle, the focusing ring still moves to allow you to focus. However, through the viewfinder, the parallax vertical/horizon lines are not moving at all to let two images coincide into one image.<br>

<br /> I know the goggle is not working on M6TTL or M7,M8,M9. As I know, generally it works on M3 and M6. In my case, it is not working on both body.<br>

<br /> So do you think this is just a general RF problem or a significant issue of the lens?<br>

<br /> Thank you.</p>

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<p>The close-focus range of the lens uses the same range of rangfinder cam positions as the normal range. The framelines should move whenever you move the rangefinder cam in the camera.<br>

Is the secondary image in the rangefinder moving? It is quite possible that the close focusing section of the rangefinder cam on the Summicron has been removed (sawed off) to allow using it on M8 or M9, meaning you no longer have rangefinder coupling in that range. Watch through the shutter with it held open at B, see if there's a cam moving the roller arm.</p>


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<p>So do you think this is just a general RF problem or a significant issue of the lens?</p>


<p>A DR Summicron will not work properly in close focus mode on any M6 (M5 or later) - if you try it, you will likely hear a definate 'grinding' sound. Beyond that, any focusing issue lies with the lens. If you just recently acquired it, return it for a refund - if you can. Otherwise, send it to a reputable repair person (DAG, TLC, Golden Touch, etc.). Simply let them know what the issue is. </p>

<p>It would further settle the issue if you have another M lens, which focuses without issue, to test on your M3 body.</p>

<p>A CLA on a lens, such as a DR Summicron, is not expensive.</p>

When you come to a fork in the road, take it ...

– Yogi Berra


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<p>Thank you Bill, John. I think I found answer trough you guys.</p>

<p>This lens is 6-bit. The previous owner claims he used it on M9. When I see through the shutter and moving the focusing ring, the coupling roller is not contacted the lens so it is not moving/rolling at all.</p>

<p>I scrutinize the lens carefully and it looks like the rear part of the lens did be partially "sawed off" like John mentioned. I never have another Summicron 50 DR so I cannot compare.</p>

<p>As long as it's not a defect, I think I can live with it, on my M3/M6.</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

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<p>What you have is DR modified for M9 (sawed off rear cam that is protruding almost twice long) so it can focus from approx. 4f to infinity on M9. Without cutting off the extra long cam on DR, the focus won't move any further because the long cam is hitting the inside wall on M9.<br /> Therefore it lose the capability of close focusing and became like normal 50 focusing 1m to infinity.<br /> I kept my DR un-modified so I'm able to use close focusing on M2, M3 and M6, but on M9 I can only use from close range to 4f. So it just becomes a special purpose lens (kind of macro) on M9 and I do have the current 50mm for normal use.<br /> I still use it on M9 even though the goggle is not fully in all the way but still mount and able to use. The top leveling rod of goggle preventing it mounting all the way and I was trying to have Leica repair shop remove it but didn't want to take a risk of breaking it.<br /> So, keep the lens and sell the goggle (treat it like a Rigid Cron).<br /> I have the very late DR and it out perform the current 50 in the centre. Sharper and has a higher resolution.</p>
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