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Lightroom 4 PhotoBooks & Shutterfly

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<p>I have printed a number of photobooks with Shutterfly and with the addition of the photobook module in LR4 beta I was very interested in finding out if/what Shutterfly may be planning to integrate as Blurb has done. I posted this question to Shutterfly Customer Service last week and received the following in reply:<br>

<em>"We are trying to add the feature that you are referring and have passed along your valuable suggestion to our product development department for their review. I appreciate the time you took to send us your comments."</em><br>

So if you are a Lightroom user who prints with Shutterfly, or may choose to do so, I encourage you to post here and let them know how important it is to us! I will be posting back to their customer service with this thread. <br>

In the meantime I'm going to try a book with Blurb via the LR4 module and check them out!</p>

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<p>I would be very interested in your experiences with LR4/Blurb for doing a book. I have a couple folders of images my wife would like for me to put into a book or books and since I already use Lightroom for the editing it would be handy if I could go directly from there to Blurb.</p>


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