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<p>Just got LR3 and created my first LR3 catalog and backed up to 2 places.<br>

Here's my question: I'm in the process of working on a big project with real estate images and my workflow for this project will not include LR until the project is done. Just don't have time for the learning curve on this project right now. Will be doing all my PP with ACR and PS CS3. I'll be adding new subfolders into folders that are already in LR now and dropping the photos there. I'll at least let LR do the importing from my SD card. When I copy and rename a RAW file and do the PP thing on it and save it as a tif, leaving it in the new subfolder and even sub-sub folders, how do I then import the new versions/photos and folders to my LR catalog for future actions?<br>


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<p>Just like you would import every other file into LR, just make sure you check/select the "Add" option from the import menu rather than the "Copy" or "Move" options. The only problem with your approach is that the newly imported files will have no connection with the original RAW files. If you're happy with that and can live with it, then by all means, go ahead.</p>

<p>Personally I wouldn't. I'd do the conversion from within LR (right-click the RAW image from within LR and choose "Edit in..." and select PS. You can then do all the post processing from within PS, as you would normally do AND LR will maintain the connection and reference between the two (or more) files.</p>

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