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Firmware 1.12 for K-5 finally released.


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<p>I have just updated both my K-5 bodies, and with the new 1.12 firmware the overexposure with the tilted flash seems to be gone in both cameras! Hurray!<br>

Remaining however: the true worries about what will happen to Pentax now when they finally were closer than ever to the very best top level with K-5, ready to conquer the market with an even more developed K-something, and leaving all other APS-C behind.<br>

Will Ricoh give them a chance in that direction, or will some ridiculous business people of theirs sink the ship to the bottom instead? Introducing mirrorless systems that will just fill a lot of technical gaps of little interest to most photographers as regards IQ and handling in real life. What mental firmware will be needed to correct the route of Ricoh with Pentax?</p>

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