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Rocky Mountain National Park in November


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Has anybody out there worked RMNP in November? I'm thinking about

going there in late November to photograph wildlife (elk, deer, sheep), possibly in snow. I'd be interested in someone with experience in the area commenting on the likelihood of success that time of year.






Jeff Johnston

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I have been there in early to mid November a few years ago. Parts of the park were closed, like the very high altitude road but most of the park was open. There are almost NO people. I saw tons of wildlife.




The Big Horn sheep were very active banging heads. They were at low elevations and were very easy to find and get close to, a 300mm lens will get you full body shots. Many elk about near Estes Park. Also, had a coyote walk within 15 yards of me. Plus many deer.




A couple of photos are at <A HREF="http://members.aol.com/dbradmills/nature.htm">my personal home page in the animals section</A>




There are no tourists this time of year. Estes Park is almost a ghost town, the eating places were offering discounts on meals. The weather was not to bad. I had sunny days in temps in the 40's (F). Snow was on the ground.

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You might want to check out Weldon Lee's book, Photographing Rocky Mountain Wildlife. It has great information about locations, and times for photographing various critters in many areas including RMNP.




Go prepared for the weather to change. Also check out the Elkhorn Restaurant in Estes Park for breakfast.

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I live a couple of hours drive from RMNP. Expect Trail Ridge Road and Fall River Road to be closed but lower roads to be open. Visitor Center hours will be curtailed, if that matters to you.




Also, if you are camping, find out what dates the campgrounds close. There is at least one that's open all year round but most sites will be closed by November.




PLENTY of elk in the park and by roads outside of it.

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Bighorns can many times be found near the norht entrance on a flat just before you enter the gate. Also you will find a good number of mulies in the park. I hope you have a fantastic time. I used to live nearby and it is what I miss most about Colorado.

Good light to you


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