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5D Mk2 the settings are crazy


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Hi Folks

a mysterious issue here: If I change a setting like "LCD display brightness" from auto to manual; when i turn off

and on the camera it is back to auto. MORE EMBARRASSING: The time set in the camera run slower than it should

be... I shoot with 2 cameras, a 7D and a 5D mk2 and i have to re- synchronize them almost every day.

I have re-install the firmware V.2.1.1 but it didn't help

I am in India for another 3 months, my camera has a french warranty... rrrr!

Any suggestion very very welcome!

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<p>It could be that your cameras Date/Time -battery is worn out. It is there to keep settings when main battery is not in camera. There is small CR1616-battery at the left-down -corner of the Camera. You need a screwdriver to change it, see English camera manual page 197.</p>
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<p>The battery is definitely the first thing to look at, particularly with the clock going off like that.</p>

<p>But if you use the camera's C1, C2 or C3 modes, any setting you change reverts to the saved C1, C2 or C3 setting when the camera sleeps or is powered off. You'd have to manually save the C# setting again for that changed setting to "stick". I found this out with my 7D...</p>

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Thanks a million!

I think it did the trick. I am in a remote location of south India and luckily the only clock booth of the village had ONE battery Cr1616! Now the settings remains, I'll check the time tomorrow but i believe it'll be ok.

Larry, i use the c1 c2 c3 modes all the time and they have always been fine. But thanks for mentioning.

Love this forum!

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<p>Those of us who are fortunate (in general) to live in "remote areas", also have to face up to the fact that the one Cr1616 still in stock may not be "fresh". Did your battery have a "best by" date on it?</p>

<p>You may have replaced one weak battery with another 'shop-worn' one. Just a thought, before you send the whole camera off for repair. :Luck:</p>

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Yes, i thought about it... There was no "best by"date but on the battery that was in the camera i could see the number 11printed. On the new one there is 13. So I figured that i may be for expiration date 2011 and 2013?...

Anyways, i'll try to get another battery next time i go to the "city"


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ok, i swap the battery of my 7D with the one of my 5D2 and... same mess. So i believe the camera has a problem. I was just wondering if it could be from the firmware? What if i re-install the V.2.0.9 instead of the latest V.2.1.1?

I feel i should ask before i downgrade the firmware. Thanks

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