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How often somebody responds to your online ad?


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<p>I was wondering what your response rate to online ads is? I'm currently running an ad with THe knot (past 6 months). And I'm basically getting one inquiry per month. This is for Chicago area. What is your experience with online advertising? Is this similar response you're getting. I'm also advertising with the wedding wire network (1 month), but no calls from those ads.</p>
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<p>Huge waste of money and time IMHO.</p>

<p>Be forewarned, their sales people are incredibly good at getting into your wallet ... I foolishly bought into yet another year of the WW because I have so much time invested in it over the past few years ... zero results in terms of sales.</p>

<p>I might as well have bought Cuban cigars and lit them with $100 bills.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Paid ads with online entities like WW and The Knot are a colossal waste of money. The best and most reliable way of generating business is networking with wedding ceremony/reception sites, and planners in your area. It's hard work and time-consuming if you haven't already been networking in your local market, but personal relationships are the key to referrals.</p>
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<p>Thanks for your response. I really appreciate it. I started advertising in the Knot but once the contract is up for renewal I think I'll say thanks and never again. Although I did book couple of weddings in 5 month time frame. Wedding wire is even worse, simply put nobody even clicks the link. I'll research local wedding planers and reception halls.</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

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