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Recommendations for free album software for website

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<p>(I was not sure which forum to post this in - I apologize if this is not the appropriate choice)</p>

<p>I am looking for free album software so I can host images on my own server - I'm not too keen about the ads on services like PhotoBucket.</p>

<p>I don't need anything elaborate - just a simple way to categorize and display my images.</p>

<p>Recommendations, please?</p>

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<p>If you operate MS and have Word you will find that it will save your arrangement of words and pictures [ WYSIWYG ] in html format which you can then upload to your ISP whatever. Then as you get to know what different things do you can get adventurish and maybe change/write html at the server ...I do this occasionally at Yahoo which is my server. <a href="http://www.jcuknz-photos.com">www.jcuknz-photos.com</a> Linking from thumbnails can be a bit difficult and I prefer to write this myself at the server.</p>
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When you say your own server, I assume it's hosted somewhere - not actually sitting in your basement. If it is hosted

somewhere, check on your control panel at your webhost, it may have software on there already, I have just left

Godaddy for Hostgator and on their cPanel it lists a number of photo gallery packages you can install with one click. One

of these might be what you are after.


Hope this helps

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<p>Matt's recommendation is excellent. JAlbum can build an album using many different templates with many different options. It can do things like build multiple levels that can't be done by building a page at a time in Word or some other non-web gallery software. If you compare the Word-based page above with a good JAlbum site, you will immediately see the difference, especially with managing gallery hierarchy, navigation, and layout flexibility.</p>
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