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Lightroom 3 changing meta data

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<p>I just finished post processing a set of images shot in Nikon RAW (NEF). All images processed without problem but on maybe 6 or 7, I got a dialogue box saying, roughly "Lightroom has changed the Meta Data on this image. Save it to disk or cancel?" I cancelled and so far as I can tell, no harm no foul. But I'm curious why I've never seen this before in processing many hundreds of images, and if anyone knows what is going on here?</p>

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<p>I'm somewhat new to LR and it's idiosyncrasies however I believe that this message has to do with the sidecar (not sure if that's the right term) file that stores specific information about an image file. Basically from my experience if you alter the metadata on an image, which can be anything from changing the Title or Copyright information in the IPTC tags to editing the file in an external editing program, than LR will recognize that the Metadata has changed and is basically asking if you would like to overwrite the old data with the new or revert the new data back to the old. <br>

Hope this helps. <br>

Ryan Cary</p>

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