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hasselblad a12 back problems


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i just got a new 501cm kit, and the a12 back is giving me problems


i fear i may have broken it...


so basically when you turn the knob on the a12 back it

engages/disengages the thing from the camera body... well it doesn't

go all the way in the camera body now... and when i fooled around

with it.. i noticed that the pressure plate doesn't engage when i

turn the a12 knob.. (i think it did before)


so is there a quick fix? or am i off to the hasselblad service




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if it's under warranty i would sent it to Hasselblad. there is a guy

who publishes a manual so you can perform some of the

common fixes yourself. email me if you are interested and i'll dig

up the guy's info for you.

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i just fixed the a12 back so it goes in and does everything..


when i turn the knob on the a12, does your knob snaps back to the default position?


(oh yeah, i unscrewed the darn thing and re-engaged this black thing that came off)


but i don't recall the knob snapping back to the default position... i just got my blad today so i'm not really familiar with it.



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